Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Ok, as I started writing this post, I was just writing what came to mind, and pretty soon, I realized that I am being a bit of an existentialist at warned. haha

So I am doing this internship. It's a really great opportunity for me, and let's be honest, it keeps me from getting bored during break. (you knew the big but was coming) BUT today, I worked a 10 hour day (not including a 2 hour commute). And I couldn't help wondering: Why? Why did I stay those extra hours to get everything done. I am certainly not getting paid enough to. The more I thought of it, the less I could come up with a sufficient answer other than "I just couldn't leave it" and "It's the way I am" and "Those things needed to get done" oh and "It would be wrong to not finish". Now, before I continue, I want to be clear, none of those things I just said are untrue, they just aren't really a good enough explanation as to why I put in the extra effort. Eventually, I starting thinking about "Why am I doing this" Then I am going to start thinking about "Why am I doing anything?" Ok so this Internship will help me get a good job later (hopefully). So the good job helps me to buy some nice things and lead a comfortable life. So the comfortable life feels...well, comfortable. It just feels like I could keep going and going.

Then I kept thinking, and I thought, "Well, let's face it, I am never going to figure out 'why', so I may as well just  do what I am supposed to, live my life the best I can and be as happy as I can" I know. how cliche of me. I realized that there is nothing that I am "supposed to figure out". Things happen. I can control some of them. I can't control others. Oh well.

The biggest question that comes to mind when writing this (I know. I am full of questions. I should just be a 5 year old) is this: how many other people are asking the same questions as me and how many of them are coming to the same conclusions? I guess that's one thing I'll never know.....

Cool thing for today:


They are  AWESOME! Please play them. I am playing a really fun one right now. You solve puzzles and mysteries! It's supppeeerrrr fun :)

A link for you:

 And a picture :)

That's all folks!!!

PS - Props to whoever got the Gossip Girl reference

PPS - ALSO Tell me what you think of the new layout!!!!

Ok really. That's all!

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