Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blog Post Number 1.

Hello Everyone. 

It took me a lot of drafts before I posted this blog post: I pressed the backspace button on my keyboard more times than I would like to admit (though it is funny that I am admitting it…). To be honest, I have not done much writing outside of English class, so this is very new to me, but I hope you enjoy!

I am going to use this first blog post to introduce myself. To start off, my name is Tejal. It is pronounced Tay (like TAble) Jal (the –al pronounced the same way as conviviAL). I promise it is not as hard as it looks! Plus, I will not hate you if you can’t say it correctly. I actually have a funny story about a teacher trying to say my name. In 7th grade World History, Ms. McKinney exclaimed that Tejal is like Table after I told her how to pronounce it. Confused by her odd connection, I just nodded my head. A few minutes later, she called on me to answer a question; she said “Yes, Table, go ahead”. Needless to say, I never lived it down: to this day the people in that class still call me Table. This, however, does not give you permission to address me this way.

I am from outside D.C. I have two sisters. The older one’s name is Tanvi, and the younger one’s name is Meghna, and Contrary to popular belief, we do like each other. Sometimes. I am a sophomore at Cornell University, yet I hate the cold (lord help me!) I have the two best friends in the world: their names are Sonya and Azzah (it would behoove you to learn their names-I talk about them a lot). In addition to both my sisters, I live with my parents and my Grandma. My mom, you will learn, is hilarious, and my dad is just like most dads. We are a slightly dysfunctional family, but I would be worried if we were not.

Now that I have gotten through the necessary, slightly superficial, introductions, I feel like I should tell you some things that may actually be of importance to this blog. I am not particularly funny or witty: I have a feeling when people laugh, they are laughing AT me, not WITH me (haha), so I apologize in advance. I am EXTREMELY klutzy, so you may be hearing a lot of stories of me falling. On a side note, I am oddly proud of all my scars (much like a 9 year old boy showing off his scabs). I have the attention span of a goldfish, so you may see a lot of spaciness, though thankfully I can edit these blog posts before I post them (now if only I could learn to edit what I say before I open my mouth…). I am a very excited person, so I am going to try to tone down all the capitalization and exclamation points. I say “I have a funny story” a lot. Finally, I talk a lot about the people in my life: soon you will hopefully know all my friends and family as if they were your own.

THANKS to everyone who just read this, I am flattered that you took the time to read my rambling. Hopefully I will hear from you soon! 

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