Ok, so I promised occasional pictures of my dream house/pictures of real estate- today is the day that this finally happens! So, I am a nerd, and when I am bored, I look at Yahoo real estate and MSN real estate and MSN home makeovers and go through houses after houses looking for picture of houses and rooms that I like. My favorite are kitchens. This is so random, but my favorite kitchen that I have ever seen was in the movie Baby Mama with Tina Fey, the kitchen of her boyfriend was amazing.....hahaha
Confession time: I have a whole folder on my hard drive where I save pictures of houses that I like :/ I will now upload one.
.....or three
My ultimate kitchen would be kind of a combination of these three. All white with the layout of the first one, but with a huge island where the table is and the table perpendicular to it, with the back-splash from the second one. I don't really like the third one that much, but I wanted to illustrate the big white island :) LOVE IT!
Also, My cool thing for today:
My debate coach showed us the cool website called realclearworld.com. This website is AMAZING. If you like keeping up with the news, even if you don't like keeping up with the news, it chooses really witty, great, easy to read articles and organizes them for you! READ IT!
Anyways, peace and love :)
Listen to my (occasionally) super interesting take on life and the things I observe around me. People tell me that I am funny sometimes. I usually think they are laughing at me though.....

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
My house.
Baby Mama,
real estate,
Tina Fey,
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Hellloo Everyone!
Today, in honor of Thanksgiving, I am going to list some of the things I am thankful for.
- Life
- Friends and Family
- The clothes on my back
- All my senses
My cool thing for today:
Lorraine's Famous Vegetable Pie.
One word. AMAZING.
Ok this recipe is soooooo easy.
- Mixed Vegetables (Frozen or Fresh): Chopped
- Shredded Cheese (Cheddar/Whatever you like)
- Butter
- Onions
- Garlic
- Store bought pie crust
- Vegetable Stock (Or Chicken if you are not vegetarian)
- In a big pot, sautee onions and garlic in some butter until onions are translucent
- Add mixed vegetables and cook 1/2-3/4 of the way
- Add about a 1/2 cup of the vegetable stock
- Add a couple tablespoons of butter and mix
- ***At this point, if it seems too liquidy, you can add a couple tablespoons of flour. Do keep in mind, however, that the cheese will thicken it a bit.
- Add LOTS of shredded cheese!!! (And mix until it is a melty and gooey mixture! Stirring in figure eights helps....I don't know why but it does! Rachael Ray will tell you the same!)
- Put into pie pans with crust on top (and butter glaze crust)
- Bake according to crust directions
Another way to make is sort of like a Shepard's pie. Instead of pie crust, put mashed potatoes on top and add kidney beans into the veggie/cheese mix.
Rachael Ray,
Shepard's Pie,
Monday, November 14, 2011
I Had my first debate tournament this weekend, and I unfortunately got paired with an interesting character from another school.
Some gems from my partner:
"Everyone. We should all do drugs because humans are like water. We do not want to be stagnant water. Moving water moves mountains"
"Rome was not built on drugs. This is the situation"
"We all need to learn from the field of grass known as knowledge"
"Love is beautiful. Why should we stop the glowing fire that is love?"
"The human body is beautiful. Humans are like water. Water moves mountains. Self expression helps us move mountains."
"I don't know what I am saying. I am just going to BS this"
After getting to the podium for 30 seconds "Where am I? What am I doing? What am I talking about? What is going on?"
I think you have the idea.
Some gems from my partner:
"Everyone. We should all do drugs because humans are like water. We do not want to be stagnant water. Moving water moves mountains"
"Rome was not built on drugs. This is the situation"
"We all need to learn from the field of grass known as knowledge"
"Love is beautiful. Why should we stop the glowing fire that is love?"
"The human body is beautiful. Humans are like water. Water moves mountains. Self expression helps us move mountains."
"I don't know what I am saying. I am just going to BS this"
After getting to the podium for 30 seconds "Where am I? What am I doing? What am I talking about? What is going on?"
I think you have the idea.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Hellloooo everyone!!
Every week, I want to post more than once, but I just can never seem to get around to writing before Sunday. For this, I apologize. All week, all I want to do is post something, but as usual, school work takes precedence. womp.
Anyways, I realized that people care waaayyyyy too much about clothes. Way, way too much. Not just about clothes, but their appearance, and for some reason, the clothes that people wear somehow equate to their appearance. People find it so necessary to look their best and wear proper clothes. People stress so much about what is appropriate. Myself included! Seriously though, who cares?! what does it matter what we wear, shouldn't we all just wear what we like to? Sometimes, it irks me how much people care about appearances at the hotel school, but yet, I still feed into it. What do they say? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Regardless of all this philosophical-ness, I still LOVE clothes. I don't quite know why, but it is so fun to find new pieces and make new outfits. I like it. What can I say? Secret: one of my favorite pastimes is online window shopping....though I only actually buy something once in a blue moon. Additionally, anyone that knows me knows that I only buy cheap things. I mean REALLY cheap things. I own a number of shirts and sweaters that $5 or less. For some reason, a piece of clothing is so much more attractive when I know it's cheap. hahaha
Current Dress I am eyeing:
It's from forever21 and it is only $24.80. I might actually get this one........
My cool thing:
I REALLY WANT TO READ THIS BOOK. Another secret. I love Clinton and Stacy from What Not To Wear. I know. embarrassing. But I think they are hilarious, and I really want to read this! Tell me what you think of it if you have!
Every week, I want to post more than once, but I just can never seem to get around to writing before Sunday. For this, I apologize. All week, all I want to do is post something, but as usual, school work takes precedence. womp.
Anyways, I realized that people care waaayyyyy too much about clothes. Way, way too much. Not just about clothes, but their appearance, and for some reason, the clothes that people wear somehow equate to their appearance. People find it so necessary to look their best and wear proper clothes. People stress so much about what is appropriate. Myself included! Seriously though, who cares?! what does it matter what we wear, shouldn't we all just wear what we like to? Sometimes, it irks me how much people care about appearances at the hotel school, but yet, I still feed into it. What do they say? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Regardless of all this philosophical-ness, I still LOVE clothes. I don't quite know why, but it is so fun to find new pieces and make new outfits. I like it. What can I say? Secret: one of my favorite pastimes is online window shopping....though I only actually buy something once in a blue moon. Additionally, anyone that knows me knows that I only buy cheap things. I mean REALLY cheap things. I own a number of shirts and sweaters that $5 or less. For some reason, a piece of clothing is so much more attractive when I know it's cheap. hahaha
Current Dress I am eyeing:
It's from forever21 and it is only $24.80. I might actually get this one........
My cool thing:
I REALLY WANT TO READ THIS BOOK. Another secret. I love Clinton and Stacy from What Not To Wear. I know. embarrassing. But I think they are hilarious, and I really want to read this! Tell me what you think of it if you have!
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