Sunday, November 6, 2011


Hellloooo everyone!!

Every week, I want to post more than once, but I just can never seem to get around to writing before Sunday. For this, I apologize. All week, all I want to do is post something, but as usual, school work takes precedence. womp.

Anyways, I realized that people care waaayyyyy too much about clothes. Way, way too much. Not just about clothes, but their appearance, and for some reason, the clothes that people wear somehow equate to their appearance. People find it so necessary to look their best and wear proper clothes. People stress so much about what is appropriate. Myself included! Seriously though, who cares?! what does it matter what we wear, shouldn't we all just wear what we like to? Sometimes, it irks me how much people care about appearances at the hotel school, but yet, I still feed into it. What do they say? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Regardless of all this philosophical-ness, I still LOVE clothes. I don't quite know why, but it is so fun to find new pieces and make new outfits. I like it. What can I say? Secret: one of my favorite pastimes is online window shopping....though I only actually buy something once in a blue moon. Additionally, anyone that knows me knows that I only buy cheap things. I mean REALLY cheap things. I own a number of shirts and sweaters that $5 or less. For some reason, a piece of clothing is so much more attractive when I know it's cheap. hahaha

Current Dress I am eyeing:

It's from forever21 and it is only $24.80. I might actually get this one........

My cool thing:

I REALLY WANT TO READ THIS BOOK. Another secret. I love Clinton and Stacy from What Not To Wear. I know. embarrassing. But I think they are hilarious, and I really want to read this! Tell me what you think of it if you have!

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